Bonpland y Honduras....

the living area...

la veranda... I've always wanted one of those verandas where friends can yell up from the street, as well as one that serves as a prime people watching spot which this is perfect for since each of the surrounding three corners are cafes.

Determined to work on those pull ups. They were always my demise for the physical fitness tests.... currently at 1/2 of a pull up- pretty wimpy.

el dormitorio.

el baƱo.

really hoping this bad boy works.

quite fond of this print. the space is very conducive to making art , wishing I had brought my paints- on a mission hunt down some this afternoon.

don't mind this one either.

I was almost thinking I was ready to leave the city until we moved the other day. Nay sat on my lap with all our bags, her massage table, crates of food, about 30 plastic jars we had collected all heaped into one "chicito" taxi- we were laughing the whole way. I am crazy for this new apartment- has some serious "buena onda." Its tucked in a happenin' corner of Palermo Hollywood, complete with the perfect bookstore/cafe down the block. Has much more charm than the last place, as well as a bit more space- I can't actually call to Linnea from another room! Not to mention that I don't mind vintage 70s decor in the least. More photos of us "disfrutando-ing" the new space to come soon.