Let the Lacemaking Begin...

Annie, Linnea and I decided the best way to commence the cooperative at Casa Cultural, before we begin to suggest some product devlopment and design ideas, is to have the women teach us how to make renda (bobbin lace.) To check out what they make go to http://www.fairloom.org/. This past week Nay and I have been diligently working away at our pathetic frienship bracelet like lace trying to interpret instructions in Portuguese while also attempting to make sense of the daily gossip and both wondering how these women continue without horrible back pain. They´ve been having a ball teaching us and a lot of time laughing in good humor at our inadequacy. The other day while we were working there was a major thunderstorm. Actually, none of the women were working, everyone was rather chatting and periodically shouting out the window into the street. Suddenly this incredible boom shook the building, the power went out and Donna Jita ( the oldest of the bunch who must be pushin 80) started whimpering. Eleni ran to get her doctor kit and took her blood pressure. Then all the women wanted their blood pressure taken so everyone lined up. We finally realized that the incredible bang was partly due to a corner section of the wall completely dislocating and shattering on top of the bureau. Nay and I returned home to cement chunks of our wall missing too- no big deal or as they say here - Naõ tem problema!

Third photo from top: Donna Jita- oldest member of the group who doesn´t like loud booms
Bottom photos: Inspirational images I snapped in Santa Barbara before I left- hoping that the renda can be inlaid in clothing at some point.