Vamos! Vamos!

Kate was my very first running partner- it goes back to the days when my older sister Meg use to drag us around Simsbury Farms Golf Course and hold our arms above our head when we got cramps. Since then Kate has had a quite a stellar running career. So when the opportunity arose to run a 10k, she couldn't resist- that's nothing for Miss Marathoner herself. We could've used Meg's enthusiasm getting up on Saturday morning, but so glad we did. Good crowd, fun course and a whole new experience!

A little of this, a little of that.

"I'm a tourist and I like tea"

"No me chamuyes."

She came to see the displays!

Cool soap store!

She likes soaps...

and submarinos!

There's nothing better than passing time in a far away country with one of my most favorite people-the lovely Kate Elliott. Some highlights of the past week have been:
  • Kate speaking Spanish- her first words were palta (avocado) and "No me chamuyes" which means (don't sweet talk me.)
  • Kate goes by Katrina here in Buenos Aires (like the hurricane.) She's really good at rolling those r's.
  • browsing markets- especially the weekend market in Recoleta which has a large assortment of hippy crafts which suits Kate's taste
  • drinking matte- lots of matte!
  • and most importantly going to the free Shakira Concert at an eco reserve where Wyclef Jean, Alejandro Sanz and an assortment of Latin American pop stars joined together to raise awareness about impoverished children in Latin America (

Grunge Arrives in Argentina.

Soy una Vidrierista....

Mens window with messenger bags and new mocassins.

Front window with weekender bag.

Womens W Tote. I think the windows are maybe missing some writing along the bottom- some sort of phrase or something. Also the way that black bag on the right is askew is driving me crazy.

Pockets bag and Baguheina clutches.

Mens belts. The parallel window on the other side of the door is the same style with womens clutches. This window isn't quite finished, going to add another product on the shelf below.

I was very excited about the opportunity I had to revamp the windows at this leather goods store, Qara (, in Palermo Soho. I had 10 days to prepare six windows and Sunday to hang all the displays. I was apprehensive about how it would all look, but with some design guidance from my brother-in-law, Tim, everything came together. I have been completely consumed the past week with the project (buying flowers, collecting supplies that I don't know where to find or how to ask for, and stringing these strands for hours on end in the back room that is the size of a small closet.) I really enjoyed the whole process and feel quite satisfied with the outcome. Hoping for more creative endeavors with window dressing to come.

Oui Oui

Nay debating the chalkboard menu.

They have this great invention here called a submarino. Its steamed milk that comes in a special sort of glass along with a bowl of dark chocolate pieces. You drop the dark chocolate into the milk and stir.....

A nice spread.

I go out of my way to walk by on my way home.

At a very young age I learned there's no better way to start the weekend, or really any day for that matter, than going out to breakfast. My Dad and I had this great tradition of going out to breakfast together religiously every Saturday morning. Didn't matter if it was snowing, if I had a sleepover the night before, if he had things to do- really nothing got in the way of our breakfast plans. So when I spotted this darling French cafe, I knew- just like my Dad taught me- I had to become a regular. The setting is perfect, the eggs are delicious and the coffee is just how I like it, the only problem is- it makes me especially miss my Dad.

Four Seasons- Carmelo, Uruguay

I took lots of walks through the forests- reminded me of Great Pond in CT.

On one of my walks I ended up getting picked up via golf cart by one of the workers and taken over to the stables where I learned some names of farm animals in Spanish. This one week old cabritillo was pretty snuggly.

This picture is a good reperesentation of the weekend- bathrobe, comfy chair, crossword puzzle.

Lady Villegas in the grand bath.

Cool little temples scattered around the grounds of the hotel.

Thanks to Jodi's sweet hookup (i.e. family member that works for the Biltmore,) we had the incredible opportunity to spend a couple nights at the Four Seasons in Carmelo, Uruguay. Our days went something like- stuffing our faces at the breakfast buffet- which was beyond delicious, digesting at the spa in comfy chairs, doing crosswords, working out, sauna, shower, taking long walks through the pine forests and showering some more (the showers were so luxurious and there were so many different ones to try- the bath, the shower in the spa, the shower in our room, that we all ended doing a lot of bathing.) It was really refreshing and relaxing- definitely a special treat!

Friends and Fads...

First steak dinner at Campo Bravo.

Bife de Lomo y Vegetales Grillados- una comida completa!

Sunning in front of a huge solar powered flower sculpture that opens by day and closes by night.

The lovely Jodi Mori, a close friend from college, paid us a wonderful visit. We had a grand time learning and exploring the city together. We tried new restaurants, did some market hunting, a good amount of dancing and a whole lot of walking. I did my best to try to convince her to stay and Nay and I were both feeling a little low when she left- so nice to reunite, reminisce and make some new memories together.

Also thought you folks back in the USA might want to hear about some of the latest fads in the Bs As.

1. Diaper pants- the hippest style of pants here is diaper meets genie- basically a really saggy, low butt. They're quite comfortable looking and I'm not saying I haven't seriously considered buying a pair.

2. Rat Tails- I'd guess about 70% of guys here have rat tails. They come in different styles: you have your standard, braided rat tail in various lengths, but theres also the solo or tri-beasty dreadlock tail. One of the best of this version I've seen thus far was a guy on the subte with completely shaved head except for three huge dreads that fell to mid- back. I guess girls get to be creative with their hair, so guys should have the same liberty. Although; when you see a guy in a suit with a rat tail, it just seems like somethings not quite right. These spottings are a daily highlight for me.

3. Rollerblades- everyone here rollerblades. The majority of rollers aren't smooth high-tech gliders, they're a rickety, old school and mostly purple, but all the more awesome. I even saw a guy while I was running in the park with light up wheels so he could cruise at night. Made me really miss my blades.

381 Luis Maria Campos- Apartamento 3C

We opted for a nicer studio in a better location than a dingy looking 2 bdrm. We have gotten so use to sleeping together in tight spaces that this feels like luxury-much better than our situation in Brazil where Nay's hammock was hung too low, diagonally across the bed so that she was basically sleeping on top of me.

The big bush in the computer room is about half the tree I dragged in to use for my upcoming window display project.

This is our new residence in the Las Cañitas barrio of Buenos Aires. I feel very grateful for warm water, a closet to unpack my suitcase in and the internet. Not to mention- a sauna, rooftop terrace and a place that is much nicer than Nay or I ever expected. It looks a bit bachelor pad-esque, but we feel pretty cool to live in such a chic spot. The neighborhood is chalk full of cafes, fancy looking eateries and cute boutiques. We're also across the street from "The School of War"- which basically means there's minimal crime, the polo fields and an endless park that fulfills the city life craving for big, green spaces.