First steak dinner at Campo Bravo.
Bife de Lomo y Vegetales Grillados- una comida completa!
Sunning in front of a huge solar powered flower sculpture that opens by day and closes by night.
The lovely Jodi Mori, a close friend from college, paid us a wonderful visit. We had a grand time learning and exploring the city together. We tried new restaurants, did some market hunting, a good amount of dancing and a whole lot of walking. I did my best to try to convince her to stay and Nay and I were both feeling a little low when she left- so nice to reunite, reminisce and make some new memories together.
Also thought you folks back in the USA might want to hear about some of the latest fads in the Bs As.
1. Diaper pants- the hippest style of pants here is diaper meets genie- basically a really saggy, low butt. They're quite comfortable looking and I'm not saying I haven't seriously considered buying a pair.
2. Rat Tails- I'd guess about 70% of guys here have rat tails. They come in different styles: you have your standard, braided rat tail in various lengths, but theres also the solo or tri-beasty dreadlock tail. One of the best of this version I've seen thus far was a guy on the subte with completely shaved head except for three huge dreads that fell to mid- back. I guess girls get to be creative with their hair, so guys should have the same liberty. Although; when you see a guy in a suit with a rat tail, it just seems like somethings not quite right. These spottings are a daily highlight for me.
3. Rollerblades- everyone here rollerblades. The majority of rollers aren't smooth high-tech gliders, they're a rickety, old school and mostly purple, but all the more awesome. I even saw a guy while I was running in the park with light up wheels so he could cruise at night. Made me really miss my blades.