Sarah and Nestor. Nestor is my English student who is Argentine but loves everything about India. He owns an Indian vegetarian restaurant in our neighborhood. I bring him articles to read about spices in Indian cooking and the sitar (he plays the sitar.) He asks me great questions like the meaning of the expression "Whats up?" We had dinner at his restaurant which turned out to be probably the biggest highlight of our weekend. Sarah joined me the next week for one of our conversation classes, Nestor couldn't understand her very well and I concluded that it could be due to a Boston accent she has acquired after living there for the past five years.
Some photos of a very memorable ice cream eating experience at a place called "Scannapieco"- an old joint that's been around since 1938 and owned buy two Italian brothers. Its said to be the best ice cream in Buenos Aires which is a tough claim for a city that's known for its premium heladerias. This one really did it for me, I'll be stopping by here more often.
I should have known that when I saw Sarah the summer before I left and she said she was going to come visit me in South America, she would. She is one of the most loyal friends of all time and I've loved her since first grade and all the way through 12th, even through middle school when she was still wearing stretch pants with stirrups. Sarah has the best memory of anyone I know and she had me cracking up all week about so many people and events I had long forgotten about. We did a lot of late nights on the town, she got to meet almost all of our Argentine friends, hit Palermo for some serious shopping- she purchased this leather coat which made me consider purchasing one and going home a month early, and tasted some superb cuisine. I tried my best to convince her to stay and she almost did due to a huge demonstration that had the city on lock down the day she was scheduled to depart. I miss her already and am so glad that when we're old and elderly and still friends, she'll be able to recount our time together in Buenos Aires like it was yesterday.