This hike, Cerro Campamiento in Bariloche has a great view. It's short and steep. I hiked up there late afternoon and got lost on the way down. I came down on the wrong side of the mountain into a maze of fields, small paths and no sense of where I was. I kind of panicked and even blew the whistle I had in my bag, which is pretty funny now that I think back on it. It really wasn't that bad, I just had to hike back up and find the right path- which I ended up managing to do before nightfall.
I only spent one night in Bariloche. After the tranquility of El Bolson the placed just seemed too much abuzz for me. It's quite touristy and rightly so- the landscape is really breathtaking.
I hiked out to this beach, La Islita, in San Martin de Los Andes the second day I was there. It was bliss.
The diving board was a long stick that jutted out over the lake. I spent a long time standing at the end- all ten toes on the nose.
I went to Quila Quina for the day with the owner of the hostel, Gonzalo and his family. This is his nine year old daughter, Paloma. She's very sweet, pre-cocious girl and I enjoyed spending the day making rock pictures and exploring the river with her.
Mi guia del rio.
Benito and his dad.
San Martin de Los Andes is a quaint, beautiful fishing town north of Bariloche. The lakes and scenery of the place are really spectacular. I was wishing my brother Paul was there to show me how to cast a line because I'm pretty sure I stepped into any fisherman's paradise. Many of the hikes in the area end at small pebble beaches and a wide open lake. Most of the surrounding area is protected by a national park so there is few if any houses on the lake and not many boats. I was tempted to join Paula from La Pampa, who I met at the hostel and look for a summer job.