Linnea soaking up some rays at the floating oyster shack.
We had a grand day excursion to the secluded, nearly desolate island of Boipeba. We disembarked our lively speedboat at one of the most breathtaking stretches of beach I´ve ever seen and took nice hike to the island´s only center, all the while stopping to enjoy some breathtaking glimpses of beach and ultimately wishing we had spent more time at the initial drop off point. Our trusty boat guides- who clearly loved reggae, their jobs, and life- made a few worthwhile stops. One of my personal favorites was at a floating oyster shack where Jude and Rob instructed us on how to properly eat those slimy, but quite tasty little guys.
The next day was a sad farewell after sharing so many good laughs, talks and island adventures together. I´m already looking forward to reuniting with them in Chile as our last and final stop before we return home.