This beanie almost fits perfect, may need a little tweaking so it doesn´t look like the hats cafeteria ladies wear. We were trying for that looser, baggier style.
and one style without. Baby hats are the next project in the making.

New tank- a definite improvement from prior attempts, but still needs some fitting adjustments. More wearable, functional and affordable than the all renda blouses which are also incredibly time consuming to make.
We´ve made more color palettes for the pillows- thread combos that match the according fabric sample. The pre-chosen color palettes have probably been one of our biggest accomplishments, the ladies love choosing which ones to use and in the end it has saved us from a lot multi- color fluroescents.

All the pillows need cording around the edges for a more professional look. But this is a start at nailing down some designs. Also don´t have the inserts- they´ll be sent to the States without. I stuffed these with towels and whatever else I could scavenge so they look pretty slouchy.
New pillow design, yet to be sewn. Thinking of having the next model be the reverse (gray stem, white leaves) since it´s nice to have coordinating pairs for a couch.

The ladies have done a great job putting the final touches on the projects we´ve been working on the past few months. We now have ready models of bags, pillows, bikinis, blouses and headbands to be duplicated, sent to Annie and then sold. It was really satisfying to lay out all the new pieces on the last day- a sampling of them are pictured above. We had cake, café, lots of abraços, beijos and promises to return. I´m going to miss collaborating with the women of Casa Cultural- this feisty, festive, strong and beautiful group has taught me a lot about patience, simplicity, hope and determination.

The ladies have done a great job putting the final touches on the projects we´ve been working on the past few months. We now have ready models of bags, pillows, bikinis, blouses and headbands to be duplicated, sent to Annie and then sold. It was really satisfying to lay out all the new pieces on the last day- a sampling of them are pictured above. We had cake, café, lots of abraços, beijos and promises to return. I´m going to miss collaborating with the women of Casa Cultural- this feisty, festive, strong and beautiful group has taught me a lot about patience, simplicity, hope and determination.