Nay and Sam at the market in San Telmo on Sunday.
Enjoying ice cream in San Telmo with our friends (Rodrigo- with the scarf, Robin-in the black sweatshirt and Mikey- with the brown hat) who live there. Unfortunately I made the mistake of ordering Nonna Bianca- in this photo I'm feeling a bit bitter about my decision.
Sam, Brittany, Erasmo, Nay and I spent the afternoon at the horse races.
I usually volunteer with a program called L.I.F.E ( on Friday afternoons. Its mostly doing after school help with kids in who live in the villas (projects.) Sam came along this past Friday and was a huge hit. The language barrier really didn't matter much as he spent most of the time giving piggy back rides. This picture is blurry, but it was such a fun afternoon that I wanted to throw it up here anyways.
Sam was lucky enough to catch this special festival that happened at the farmers market on Saturday, it was celebrating the coming of spring!
This is Juan. We figured Sam could use some guy time, so Juan came over to hang with us. He should've made the blog long ago- he was our first and probably is our most loyal guy friend here. He kind of looks like my brother Joe.
Julieta is my spanish tutor who I found via Craigslist. She has turned out to be one of my closest girlfriends here and I'm really hoping she moves to California- she's considering getting her Master's there. She came with Juan, Sam, Nay and I to this incredible jazz concert at this small community center.
Julieta loves to dance and we love watching her!
Sam and I at the concert!
Brittany and Erasmo arrived the day before Sam left. We all rented blades in the park, which was really a major highlight of the weekend for me.
It's been a really eventful past week. The day after I returned from Chile Sam Gerrity, Jude and Rob's nephew, came to BA for a visit. We were introduced when he arrived at the door, but after a few hours it felt like an old friend visiting. We tried to fit in all the best parts of BA during his short visit. Sam is an incredibly laid back, easy guest and we thoroughly enjoyed his company. I'll be looking forward to him visiting California sometime in the near future!