view from the lodge.

A popular Chilean TV personality was at the restuarant where we ate. Manuel bravely and slightly awkwardly asked for a signature and later on, a photograph. He was thrilled. I love this shot.

Que grupo!
on the way up the mountain.
By a stroke of luck a close friend of our family, James O'brien, was going to be in Santiago for work the same time I was in Chile and invited me to go skiing with him and his business partner, Francisco, and Francisco's son, Manuel. The mountain is incredibly accessible from Santiago, took maybe an hour to get up there from the city and most of that time is spent traversing a very curvy, pretty narrow road. Being with James felt like I was hanging out with one of my brothers, I was relieved that I could keep up and really thankful for the comfortable temperatures which was perfectly suiting for my lack of "gear." Too much hot chocolate, sore muscles and a good adrenaline rush made for quite an enjoyable weekend.